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Wyandanch Union Free School District

We Are Rising

A Close Look At Attendance

A Close Look At Attendance

Cartoon children engaged in learning at desks in a vibrant school classroom filled with books and educational materials.

A motivational phrase emphasizing commitment and presence: "Be here every day, all the way" in a visually appealing design.

Chronic Absence and Truancy
According to the New York State, Department of Education, Chronic absentees shall be defined as a student missing 10% or more (excused or unexcused) of the days the scholar has been enrolled and school is in session.

Irregular Attendance Procedures
If your child exhibits irregular attendance, the following steps will be taken and recorded in your child’s attendance records.

¨ Teacher will attempt to contact parent at least 3 times. All communication between teachers and parents will be documented in your child’s attendance records.

¨ Attendance office may be notified if teacher is unable to contact parent.

¨ Consecutive absent letters are sent home on a weekly basis. A consecutive absence letter will be automatically sent home to parents of students who has 3 or more consecutive absences in a week.

¨ The attendance office will follow up with a phone call/home visit if there was no parent response from teacher’s attempt and no response to letters that were sent home.

¨ The attendance office will notify the Social Worker to take further steps if necessary.

Parents must complete the form in its entirety and submit a copy of their identification.

Transfers will be processed and records will be sent directly to the new school upon receiving proof of enrollment from the new school. All verification requests will be emailed or mailed back to the parent/guardian or designee within 48 hours of receiving request.

  • When a scholar is late to school, they are missing out on learning. Parents should make sure their child is in school by 8:15am for LFH, 8:30 for MLK, and

    9:00 am for Annex.

  • It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school on the day of the absence or tardiness and to provide a written excuse upon the scholar’s return to school. The written excuse must contain the signature of the parent/guardian or physician, the length of time and the reason for the absence.

  • The school shall and will conduct a home visit to any scholar who is chronically absent and truant or other reasons that prevents the child from attending school.


  • Parents should inform the attendance office if their child has or will be transferring out of the district or in need of a verification. Transfer request forms and verifications are available online at Wyandch